Grated Foie Gras with Truffle Salami and Salsify

Incredibly simple and incredibly tasty, try this appetizer of Grated Foie Gras with thinly sliced truffle salami and salsify.
Making grated foie gras is one of the easiest shortcuts to a tasty dish you can imagine. Sure it doesn’t take a lot of effort and you can discuss how ethical it is to eat foie gras. But there is no denying that this is tasty as hell.
For the grated foie gras I used a foie gras terrine which i bought ready. All you need to do is place it in the freezer and grate it with a microplane. That’s it. You can use regular foie gras as well and it will be even better but I think the terrine is good enough.
For this recipe I paired the foie gras with some thinly sliced truffle salami and some salsify that I seared with butter after caramelized them in sugar. The dish is quite heavy with low acidity and plenty of flavor so you don’t need to serve very much. Also if you are serving many dishes make sure you serve something lighter before or after. This is quite powerful. Now let’s make it.
Grated Foie Gras with Truffle Salami and Salsify
serves 4 as an appetizer
4 stalks of salsify
1 piece about 1.7 oz / 50 g of foie gras terrin
20 slices of truffle salami
1 tbsp sugar
1 lemon
2 tbsp butter
Place the foie gras in the freezer. Fill up a bowl with water and cut the lemon in half and squeeze into the water. Cut off the ends of the salsify and peel while rinsing in water. Salsify is often very dirty so rinse carefully. Then add them to the lemon water. If not they will oxidize and turn brown. Then cut the salsify in half lengthwise.
Heat a pan on medium heat and add the sugar, let it melt. Take up the salsify and wipe off the water with some kitchen paper. Place in the pan and fry in the sugar on low to medium for about five minutes. Add the butter, season with salt and pepper and turn down the heat to low. Cook until soft. This will take about 10 minutes.
Time to plate. Lift up the salsify and place on four plates. Add a few slices of salami on top of the salsify so it gets slightly warm. Take out the foie gras out of the freezer and grate over the salami using a microplane. Serve immediately. Good luck and enjoy!