Foodpairing – get help to create new flavor combinations

Foodpairing is a really cool way to come up with new flavor combinations if you are working as a chef or bartender and keep getting stuck with your usual combinations.
What Foodpairing have done is to analyze thousands of ingredients and set a flavor profile for each ingredient. So if you use it you can start with any ingredient and get to see what other ingredients that have a flavor profile that will be good with your chosen ingredients.
For example, you want to create a new cheese dish using Parmesan cheese, all you do is add Parmesan to your recipe. Then you will get a tree where you can see what ingredients go well with your cheese. Each other ingredient are arranged within categories so if you’re looking for a spice you simply check the spices and so on.
The same method can be used for drinks, below is an example chart from Foodpairing where mango is the chosen ingredient, as you can see peppermint, pork loin, cocoa and oysters go great with mango. Maybe not the flavors you were starting out with.
Of course you have to take other things like texture, temperature and cooking techniques into the process but Foodpairing is a great way to challenge your own flavors and try something new. Foodpairing is free with a limited set of ingredients but if you are a food professional maybe it will be worth the cost. Read more on the Foodpairing website.
Below you can also see a video on how the process can work.